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Judith Schaechter Never Lies, Part 3
Post #1686 • April 24, 2014, 2:09 PM
Judith Schaechter, Speech Balloon, 1999, stained glass
Some tough love that we could all use, in our own way.
And here's a special message to the stained glass people who are concerned because they can't even get the respect of [the Glass Art Society] and the studio class community. Here's the history: this all began in the 1960's with Harvey Littleton who was a ceramist. He put a hot shop in an art school. What does this have in common with the history of stained glass? Um…exactly zero. Stained glass follows an entirely different trajectory—one that is much older, much more interesting, actually (IMHO). Later this happened: glass as a studio art form was more or less entirely popularized by Dale Chihuly. Stained glass was given a real shot in the arm in the early 20th C by Tiffany. Two artists who, I am betting,never once had whiney temper tantrums wondering why they wasn't being adored by the art world. If you want recognition…do something to merit it. The sense of entitlement astounds me. What are we offering them in return??
Anyone? Buehler?
Asking to be rescued is nauseating.
See also Craft and Art Envy by Walter Darby Bannard.