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Hess Exhibition, Asylum Talk
Post #1593 • February 21, 2013, 8:58 AM
Winter Apple, 2013, watercolor, 12 1/2 x 8 7/8 inches
Details are falling into place for my first solo exhibition in Boston, which will take place at the Hess Gallery at Pine Manor College from March 27 to August 11. Opening and talk will be Thursday, April 4 at 10:20 AM.
I will also be a guest speaker at the invitation of Jesa Demora as part of her presentation at Artisan's Asylum, "Attracting VIP Visitors." I've been asked to talk about how to price work. I'll start with an overview of the subjective theory of value and move from there to insights we can gain from the theory of marginal utility. Calculus II is a prerequisite.
Just kidding—it's free and open to the public, and all are welcome.