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South Coast Today Coverage
Post #1583 • January 7, 2013, 8:21 AM • 3 Comments
Snow and Curving Oaks, 2011, oil on canvas, 18 x 24 inches
I just learned that I got a kind mention in South Coast Today on December 8 for work that I had up in the New Bedford Art Museum.
"Places," an intimate exhibition in the Vault Series at the New Bedford Art Museum, curated by Joan Backes, is on display until January 6th.
Franklin Einspruch uses a heavy impasto of paint in "Snow and Curving Oaks" to depict gnarly deep-brown trees, barren of leaves, casting pale blue shadows on a blanket of snow. It is a handsome expressionist painting, grounded in reality, yet veering toward the abstract. Ellen Lanyon's "Chicago T" is a color lithograph that playfully romanticizes the Windy City skyline beneath a toenail moon. Other exhibiting artists are Ruth Miller, Ben Frank Moss, and Temma Beal.
Many thanks to Don Wilkinson for the coverage.
January 11, 2013, 10:21 AM
Our friend Don Wilkinson is doing a great job with regular coverage of our small but lively scene here on the South Coast. He stepped into the breach last year when another friend, David Bartlett Boyce had to drop out of his regular reporting gig due to ongoing illness.
January 12, 2013, 3:36 PM
Congrats, Franklin. The author did a brief, sensible comment, which is nice to see these days.
George Bethea
January 7, 2013, 11:50 AM
Looks real good, Franklin! I like the odd blue color and impasto.