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Vendettas and Heavy Concepts

Post #1492 • January 10, 2012, 8:15 AM

Caroline Small at the Hooded Utilitarian:

Comics critics have mostly embraced this extremely facile way of thinking about concept as mere symbolism. In the alt comics subculture at least, I do think some of it comes from the mild contempt for writing that so many people seem to think is necessary in order to appreciate art. Maybe more of it comes from the fine art world as Franklin so often suggests. I’m willing to consider the assertion that in truly non-narrative work, an allusive, symbolic, suggestive use of concept can be successful, but I stick to the opinion that in narrative work, concept needs to be crafted so that it works with the narrative in interesting ways.

Meanwhile, I'm obliged to set a few things straight at Art Fag City.

You're welcome to look at my paintings online, or see them in person if I have them up somewhere, but if you'd like to own one, you'll have to pay me for it. Those offerings aren't a public good, they're a loss leader. That they can be consumed in a non-rival and non-excludable way with hardly any expense to me ultimately works to my benefit. People have figured out how to similarly monetize photographs, videos, and performances as well despite the fact that the first two can be reproduced easily and the third is ephemeral.

You take visual pleasure in things you didn't make, don't own, and never subsidized every time you look out the window. The idea that this constitutes an injustice to the makers is silly. The idea that the government has a role in remedying that injustice is even sillier. That this "demonstrates" that "the arts are one of the last places we should look to" when it comes to trimming the size of government is nonsensical.

Happy reading.




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