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Post #1353 • May 22, 2009, 9:02 AM

Joanne Mattera gets a C&D letter from a vanity gallery for calling it a vanity gallery. Mattera schools them.

"That's IT, conceptual art is DONE."

Assuming "art" is a word.

From here on out, all performance art shall be measured against the work of Marcus Johnson.

"Back in the 1930s, as part of the Federal Art Project, the government paid artists to make thousands of paintings, from famous murals to little landscapes. It wasn't possible to keep track of it all, and some ended up in private hands. Once in a while, a canvas turns up, and when it does, the Feds sometimes take an interest."

Comics crisis in Belgium.

Adam Kirsch ably pounds (sorry) the Chinese poetry beat. (via)

Highly intelligent person tweets the Mona Lisa using Chinese.

Department of Getting Ideas: Danielle Ate The Sandwich.

Department of Skills: US Pole Dance Championship 2009 (NSFW).




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