Previous: The aesthetic World's Fair of our time (29)
Post #1100 • December 11, 2007, 12:07 PM • 13 Comments
I don't know whether this is a good idea or not, but just in case it is, here you go.
December 12, 2007, 2:28 PM
It was very nice of you to share your code with everybody.
December 12, 2007, 7:17 PM
Is this for you or your readers?
Avoid "only", "always" and "never" as these words usually lead to inackurasees.
December 13, 2007, 8:23 AM
I guess the ancient lettering add upto something, but is this a celebration of your egocentricity or a joke?
December 13, 2007, 8:57 AM
Opie, yep, but it is an art-related idea. Eric, thank you. Ego, "always" and "never" don't appear on the page - is that comment for you, or my readers? Concerned, I humbly submit that it's self-explanatory, but will be happy to explain anything you don't understand.
I'm working on a publication, btw. Hopefully it will be up by noon, my time.
December 13, 2007, 9:08 AM
(Finally a comment thread in which I feel qualified to join)
December 13, 2007, 9:11 AM
Ha! Okay, in short, it's like an RSS feed, but for events.
December 13, 2007, 9:58 AM
There are inherent problems with the code. The tags interfere with the PHP interface. There is not enough room for long HEX color codes. The SQL database standard in most art-sites flatly rejects the sequence presented. I took exception to the "non-colon-separated military format" of the time--I feel its politically weighted. Exev does not allow for conceptual art exhibitions that occur everywhere and nowhere, outside of time. Exev does not allow for art events that occur solely in the mind of the viewer sans stimuli.
Was anyone fooled into thinking I understood?
December 13, 2007, 10:06 AM
McFawn, I was fooled, until you got to the "politically weighted" statement.
December 13, 2007, 10:07 AM
I was fooled until "PHP interface."
December 13, 2007, 10:24 AM
And speaking of computer stuff, I just accidentally rm'd the new publication out of existence. Pardon me while I go hurl expletives.
December 13, 2007, 12:49 PM
What new publication?
December 13, 2007, 12:50 PM
December 12, 2007, 10:56 AM
Well, no way I would ever know if these hieroglyphics add up to a good idea, but they sure brought the blog to the proverbial screeching halt.