Missouri Boy
Post #914 • November 29, 2006, 10:25 AM • 5 Comments
Leland Myrick, using artful, trim language and drawings that evoke troubled innocence, recalls his childhood in Missouri Boy, starting in the womb, and ending with his motorcycle trip to California in pursuit of a girl. Myrick's art is an intriguing combination of expressionism and Art Deco, with something like a period sexiness, and a meandering line that adds lankiness and introversion to the figures. Some of the elongations recall the expressiveness of El Greco's proportions.
The writing is sharp and poetic; upon leaving Missouri for California, he notes that "I feel the presence of my local gods waning." Watching an errant older brother get a ten-year sentence for bank robbery, he observes his father: "My father looks as if he's praying. He's not. Closed lips and sealed mouth mourn the loss of a son." With renderings like these, boyish delights and boyish torments become calmly and warmly gripping.
Leland Myrick, panel from Missouri Boy, 2006
Leland Myrick, panels from Missouri Boy, 2006
Leland Myrick, panel from Missouri Boy, 2006
Leland Myrick, panels from Missouri Boy, 2006
This seems like a good time to inaugurate the Artblog.net Bookstore. Just in time for the holidays and two days late for Cyber Monday, you can do your shopping via Powell's and Amazon.com and support Artblog.net in the process. Thanks for your patronage.
November 30, 2006, 5:30 PM
"piques", Caleb.
November 30, 2006, 6:20 PM
My apologies.
December 3, 2006, 5:35 PM
Franklin, I'm a little confused about the bookstore. Once I link through a title to Powell's or Amazon, anything I add to my cart benefits the blog? Is there anything else that needs to be done? (The url thing at the top doesn't indicate anything about artblog & I want to be sure.) Thanks.
December 3, 2006, 5:45 PM
Katie, I noticed that too. I assume that once it hits your cart, the Artblog.net store code is saved into cookies with the order. Do me a favor - if you buy something through the store, drop me an email with your order, and I'll see if I got credited. Thanks for keeping an eye out.
November 30, 2006, 11:14 AM
Ueland's book peaks my interest.
Thanks for that.